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3 مشترك

    قصيدة الحلم العربي مترحمة الي الانجليزية ترجمة الاستاذ محمد السري الشيخ ابو السري

    طيف الاستشهاد
    طيف الاستشهاد
    عضو ماسي
    عضو ماسي

    تاريخ الإنضمام : 17/11/2011

    الجنسية : مغربي

    عدد المشاركات : 1271

    مكسب العضو : 11883

    نقاط تقييم مواضيع العضو : 10

    قصيدة الحلم العربي مترحمة الي الانجليزية ترجمة الاستاذ محمد السري الشيخ ابو السري Empty قصيدة الحلم العربي مترحمة الي الانجليزية ترجمة الاستاذ محمد السري الشيخ ابو السري

    مُساهمة من طرف طيف الاستشهاد 8/2/2012, 14:14

    ( قصيدة الحلم العربي) اهديها لكل مهتم بالادب الانجليزي والترجمة على وجه الخصوص

    Arab Dream

    Generations follow the others,
    They will live on our dream,
    What we say to day;
    Shall reflect our life stream.

    Perhaps the darkness of night,
    May isolate us one day,
    But the unreachable sky,
    Could be invaded with a capable ray.

    As long as we live,
    This is our lovable muse,
    A kind breast and bosom,
    Join all of us never defuse.

    Who said the dream is unfeasible?
    When actualizing it, is admissible,
    Even though the horrible nights last,
    A day's light will come at last.

    Oppose your world and rebel,
    Insist to become audacious and strive,
    A hard thousand-mile journey,
    Starts with one-step and won't skive.

    Justice needs an absolute force,
    To preserve its sacred field,
    My life span, with a protest and say,
    The right may retain the occupied field.

    Love has fire and sparks,
    And eyes with good omen are filled,
    Children's hands armed with rocks,
    Will reinstate lands and their respect.

    An honest word in a song or verse,
    Being said and might not last,
    May probably change the universe,
    After a few years or even so fast.

    Let come true all your aspirations,
    To your time, make a real consideration,
    Love usually paves a wide route,
    For all the equivocal inlets.

    Songs void any border,
    Therefore, our hearts are their homes,
    We shall sing as long as we could live,
    As far as we can, we would love.

    Love your people with world's different tongues,
    Into scanty seconds concise era's rate.
    Flying is the destiny for birds and fate,
    Ours is to chant lovely songs.

    The dream shall exist, we desiderate,
    In addition, we modify any dormancy,
    Right as it is known, often emanates.
    Some might say; it is a mere lunacy.

    With full potency, raise high your voice,
    If it supports or counters your choice,
    Endeavor, try and you will reach,
    The attempt nobility is enough for each.

    Let your epoch know who you are,
    Accede your ambition and become diligent,
    Purvey with eyes your mind's mirror,
    To realize whom he has not become yet.

    From any place existing on the planet,
    The Arabic tongue being mainly articulated,
    With voice loud, with hearts pulse and beat,
    The birth of a union will be promulgated.

    Our kids scattered in every place,
    Illuminate the eyes of the native lands,
    Love, right, goodness and peace,
    Is our message to reach the enemies' hands.

    Let us all chant and declare:
    Art is the pursued salvation to thrive,
    It mutates sorrow into cheer,
    It changes letters to track and life.

    Fancy doesn't with chat and blabber,
    But with nice actions and emotions,
    Be a smile, light, guide and a star,
    For people's devious path and notions.

    We dream and muse all our time,
    With all Arab countries' integrity,
    Clashes will soon go away like rime,
    It is enough for you, having humanity.

    In expatriation, art is your homeland,
    It is your leader wherever you traverse,
    With charming voice chant for people and comrade,
    To find out how magnificent is the universe.

    Trees as seeds turned big and tough,
    From brilliant thoughts, emerge tales,
    As long as we dream and fall in love,
    We shall enjoy, no doubt, the victorious gales.

    The seed began with a vision
    The vision was a dream
    That ended in a touchable truth.

    Moh'd Assary Asheikh Moh'd
    Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
    14/December/ 2006[/color]
    عضو ماسي
    عضو ماسي

    تاريخ الإنضمام : 13/02/2012

    الجنسية : مغربية

    عدد المشاركات : 519

    مكسب العضو : 3704

    نقاط تقييم مواضيع العضو : 0

    قصيدة الحلم العربي مترحمة الي الانجليزية ترجمة الاستاذ محمد السري الشيخ ابو السري Empty رد: قصيدة الحلم العربي مترحمة الي الانجليزية ترجمة الاستاذ محمد السري الشيخ ابو السري

    مُساهمة من طرف mouad616 15/2/2012, 11:20

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    جزاك الله خير و بارك الله
    جعله الله في ميزان حسناتك
    Radoi 8
    Radoi 8
    عضو نشيط
    عضو نشيط

    تاريخ الإنضمام : 22/01/2012

    الجنسية : مدرسه

    عدد المشاركات : 123

    مكسب العضو : 1569

    نقاط تقييم مواضيع العضو : 0

    قصيدة الحلم العربي مترحمة الي الانجليزية ترجمة الاستاذ محمد السري الشيخ ابو السري Empty رد: قصيدة الحلم العربي مترحمة الي الانجليزية ترجمة الاستاذ محمد السري الشيخ ابو السري

    مُساهمة من طرف Radoi 8 15/2/2012, 12:20

    بااارك الله فيك اخي الكريم

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 22/9/2024, 09:29